Exciting News and Character Interview!
Book Two is Releasing! I have a release date for book two, Broken Crown! Not disclosing it just yet, so stay tuned! And, for more regular updates, you can follow me here! In celebration of the coming release of Broken Crown, I've decided to interview my main cast of characters! Starting, of course, with the main character, King Torrin Slater! I sat down at the kitchen table in the Aliki cabin. The door stood open to let in fresh air--and with it, flies and gnats in abundance. Patches, the old house cat, curled around my ankles. I was extremely thankful for wearing long pants, despite the late summer heat. As it was, my skin was already starting to tingle and itch from the cat's close proximity. Why haven't I ever given a character a cat allergy, I mused. Torrin's entrance interrupted my thoughts before I could decide who to inflict with one more troublesome trait. His bum leg dragged slight...