Character Interview -- Raevyn Aliki

 Hello, everyone! It is once again time for a character interview!

    Back in Zaraya for the second to last character interview. 

    I strolled down the dirt paths towards the barn. The summer sun beat down on my head and shoulders--a welcomed relief from the freezing winter back home! Maybe I'd just stay here and never leave...

    Nah. Back home, the biggest threats are hawks, bobcats, foxes, and coyotes. And maybe getting licked to death by the farm dogs. 

    Raevyn was exactly where her mom, Lindy Aliki, had said she'd be. Behind the barn, hurling spears into the target ten yards away. 

    I cleared my throat, and she turned around. "Eo'aiki! I was wonderin' when you'd get 'ere. Torrin and Briley told me you're interviewin' us."

    "Mmhm. Readers like getting an inside look at the characters, and I like learning more about your world and getting ideas for bonus stories and backstories and drama and all that wonderful stuff. So!" I sat down in the shade. "Ready for your set of questions?"

    "Yep." She dropped down cross-legged beside me. "And I 'ave a few for you as well."

    I raised my eyebrows. "Really? Okay. Well, first question. What was it like, growing up in Zaraya and being thought a monster by the outsiders?"

    "Uh, kind of suffocating, 'onestly. I 'ad explored every inch of Zaraya by the time I was thirteen. And I could 'ardly leave Zaraya because of the others thinking I would shape-shift into a bloodthirsty, flesh-eating monster."

    "Yet, you and your people trade with the Achian border towns? What about the Elyndians?"

    "Well, the border towns 'cause you can't live next to people for twenty years and not realize they're normal 'umans. I think. I'm sure some stupid people could, but, thankfully, the border towns aren't made up of mostly stupid folks. And as for the Elyndians, they believe in God and the Bible, so, they believe in demons too. Guess it's just natural they believe the rumors."

    "Do you have any idea how the rumors started?"

    She shook her head. "But I will find out, one of these days. Probably 'ave to wait until Torri gets 'is throne back, though."

    Yes, she definitely would have to wait. Mostly because I was still working out that thread myself. (Writer problems, y'know?)

    "I haven't asked any of the others this, but I was wondering. How do you feel about the end of Broken Crown?"

    "Scared," she admitted. "Terrified, 'onestly. But, Torrin is right. My people are not soldiers, and we are small in number. We wouldn't stand more a chance against Corynth's men than the Elyndians did. So I believe we made the right choice. I just 'ope it doesn't go 'aywire and we get 'urt."

    I didn't promise anything. People were bound to get hurt, and even die, in a rebellion. 

    "My turn." Raevyn shifted to face me. "We are all figments of your imagination, yes? So, where did you get the inspiration for us? Why do a lot of us 'ave pink 'air? Why is Torrin so short?"

    "Ha, well, the inspiration came to me very, very randomly (which you can read about here.) The world isn't really inspired by one thing in particular. Just whatever I wanted to put together in a weird hodge-podge type thing. 

    "And as for the pink hair, well, back in the early writing stages, I went through a phase where I really wanted pink hair. So you and Briley were given pink hair. And then I made it a broader race trait when someone told me that it was unrealistic for people to be born with pink hair." I grinned. "'Cause I'm petty like that."

    Raevyn cackled. "Is that where I get my troublesome nature?"

    "I wouldn't call it troublesome, but yes. Absolutely."

    "And I guess Torrin is short because you are short?"

    "Yeah... Everyone was starting to get tall, so I needed to balance it out with shorties like me. Though I'm actually not that short."

    Raevyn eyed me skeptically. 

    "I'm not! I'm on the small side of average in the real world! Your average is just different than mine."

    "Mm, sure." She grinned. "Shortie."

    I rolled my eyes. "Do you have any more questions?"

    "Absolutely. Why did you make us--"

    "Wait, no, you can't ask any spoiler questions!" I laughed. "That question will be answered in book three, I promise."

    "It 'ad better. Or I will make everyone else be very difficult for you to write."

    "Ugh. But they already are! Writer's Block sucks, dude."

    "I don't know the first thing about that. And I would give you my sympathy, but considering everything you 'ave done..."

    "And everything I plan to do," I mumbled. 


    "Huh? What?" I asked innocently. 

    She narrowed her eyes at me. "That's it. I am not working with you."

    "Aw, no, don't do that!" I heaved a sigh. "It's fine. I'm due a break anyways. You all get a break as well."

    Raevyn tilted her head. "...'ow does that work?"

    "Well, because when I'm not editing and writing your stories, you all exist in my Headcanons. Which is mostly humorous scenarios I imagine just for fun. Or come up with when talking to fans about you guys. Most of which is the product of late nights and tired brains on the verge of hysteria."

    "Oh. So is that why I 'ave memories of chasing Ace with my axe, even though I 'aven't done that? And fleeing from zombies that weren't really zombies, and I 'ave no idea what a zombie even is? Or dealing with dark gray giants?"

    I laughed. "Yes. That's why."

    "Well. If that is all, I am going to get back to practicing. I 'ave a feeling I am going to need to be in perfect condition in what's coming."

    "Yep. You absolutely are."



Thank you for reading! I gotta be honest, this one was my favorite interview to write!

If you liked this interview, please share with your friends!

You can read more about Raevyn in book one, Fallen King. And in Broken Crown, which is up for pre-order here!

And you can follow me on Facebook and Instagram to keep up with characters and writing!


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